When to visit an orthopedist in Szczecin? The orthopedist is a specialist in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The orthopedic competences include working with muscles, ligaments and tendons, bones and joints. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system can have various causes: congenital developmental pathologies, injuries, complications after infectious diseases, consequences of metabolic disorders, consequences after surgery. An orthopedic doctor in Szczecin sees adults and children and performs tests to diagnose the condition and prescribe the most appropriate treatment in a given case. Orthopedic treatment always involves a combination of drug therapy and physical therapy methods. In some cases, surgical correction of the pathology may be necessary.
With what health problems should one contact the orthopedist – Szczecin?
The orthopedist treats torticollis, hip dysplasia, flat feet, clubfoot, deformities of valgus and varicose veins of the feet and legs. As well as arthrosis and inflammation of all joints (including the intervertebral joints), osteochondrosis and spondylolisthesis of joints, bones and rupture of ligaments, tendons and muscles. The specialist treats contractures, deformity of osteosis and osteoarthritis, various types of sarcomas, and so on.
- http://www.szkolypolskie.pl/domy-kanadyjskiej-co-warto-wiedziec
- https://comau.com.pl/ile-kosztuje-budowa-rusztowania/
- https://www.iloggo.pl/co-wiemy-o-plytkach-ceramicznych/
You should contact an orthopedist in Szczecin if you experience the following symptoms:
- Incorrect posture
- Different lengths of limbs (especially lower limbs)
- Injuries with suspected bone fractures or fractures
- Pain in the joints
- Swelling, redness of the joint
- Limited mobility of limbs or spine,
- Back pain (especially in the lower back and cervical area)
- Crunch of the spine or joint during movement
- Pain in the muscles of the extremities
- Bone ache
- Pain in the joints when the weather changes
- Joint or limb deformation, contracture.
Even if these symptoms are not regular, it is necessary to find their cause, because in most cases they talk about already started degenerative processes in the joints and bones, the development of which in the early stages can still be stopped. Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle, as well as overweight, are recommended to visit an orthopedist regularly, Szczecin has a specialist who can quickly detect microtraumas.
The orthopedist in Szczecin accepts children and adolescents
Regular visits to the orthopedist are a must for children and adolescents. Visiting this specialist with a toddler will avoid musculoskeletal disorders. Compliance with all recommendations of the orthopedist in Szczecin is a guarantee of the proper development of a small child. The maturation period is very important and one should not forget about the orthopedic check-ups during this period. Diagnostics will make it possible to control the muscular-ligamentous apparatus that changes on the hormonal background.
Consultation with an orthopedist-traumatologist
From childhood, one way or another, it is necessary to visit the offices of specialists in various fields of medicine. Consultations of an orthopedic traumatologist who are helpful after various mechanical damage to tissues and organs are no exception. As a rule, consultation with an experienced traumatologist can significantly simplify the patient’s life.
Important reasons for visiting an orthopedic traumatologist in Szczecin
The specialist must necessarily examine the patient in cases of:
- Injuries during sports
- Broken bones
- A rupture or contusion of tendons
- Joint damage
- Foot deformities, etc.
In addition, the specialist treats such diseases as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, kyphosis, arthrosis, necrosis, arthritis. During a patient’s visit to an orthopedist in Szczecin, the doctor must get acquainted with the detailed conditions of the injury, its general health condition, carefully read the medical documentation, and then proceed with the examination of the patient.
How is an orthopedic visit in Szczecin?
Orthopedic examination does not require special preparation. The doctor will ask you to reveal the diseased body part. If the test involves the spine, you will need to remove your clothes. An orthopedist in Szczecin performs an examination that will allow the diagnosis of bone deformation or curvature of the spine . The specialist will assess the functional capacity of muscles and joints.
In order to make a correct diagnosis and identify the causes of the changes, the orthopedist may recommend such tests as: X-ray of the affected area, ultrasound of joints. CT or MRI is also important if the orthopedist suspects a serious medical condition. Sometimes it is necessary to perform blood laboratory tests. Regardless of whether the research confirms the existence of a disease in the joints or bones, an orthopedist in Szczecin may encourage changes in the current diet.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being physically active is fundamental to a healthy skeletal system. Swimming is a great way to improve the health of people who spend a lot of time at the computer, putting pressure on the spine and creating blockages in the organs. Systematic diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system will contribute to maintaining mobility in old age and not experiencing pain.